Project: Rangitoto Channel Deepening
Location: Auckland, New Zealand
Client: Port of Auckland (Subcontractor to Fletcher Construction)
In 2006 Heron Construction completed the dredging of 750,000m3 of marine sediment, clays and sandstones from the Rangitoto Channel and the Fergusson Approaches and turning basin using the backhoe dredge
Kimahia and tug
Pacific Way. The dredged material was delivered to a temporary wharf where it was unloaded by excavator; it was then stabilized with cement and placed into the Fergusson Reclamation.
High levels of co-operation and communication between the dredge crew, harbour control and the pilots was required to ensure that dredging operation could operate efficiently as possible while not effecting Auckland’s busy shipping schedules.
Given that Auckland is known as the ‘City of Sails’ additional vigilance had to be given to the recreational boat users of Auckland.
As well as the usual Notice to Mariners, regular updates and progress bulletins were sent to yachting and boating clubs, meaning the project proceeded without incident through the busy summer periods.